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CTP Ealing

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Overview: Community Training Portal (CTP) is an award winning Matrix accredited national training provider delivering flexible courses to adult learners.

We have been changing many people’s lives through high quality information, advice & guidance and personalised learning since 2004. CTP is dedicated to empowering individuals with the skills and resources through delivery of flexible and online courses.

Whether you are looking to improve employability, enhance your digital capabilities, strengthen your language and math skills or establish a career in beauty, CTP is your go-to partner for professional development. CTP is an Ofsted Good Provider that has been providing education, employability support and progression routes into further learning and employment for over 20 years.

We are committed to adding social value, sponsoring local events and supporting communities.

Our Mission: At CTP, we provide quality education, training, and employment support to improve the lives of individuals in disadvantaged and deprived areas across the UK.

Our Vision: To become a nationally recognised provider of high quality further and tertiary education delivered online regionally in accessible community-based training centres across the UK.

London Job Show W12